Saturday, September 27, 2008

Why everybody can & should do Yoga ?

People from all religions have one thing in common-they are all human. The purpose of all genuine spiritual thought in the world has been & will continue to be the well being & happiness for all humanity in its own way. Due to this pure intention, many techniques of physical & mental well-being have been developed throughout the ages (& still continue to be developed). The Indian tradition has the unique system of Yoga which under its umbrella encompasses myriad traditions carried from millenia from one Guru tradition to the other. The aim & goal is one-to alleviate the human condition by providing solutions for physical health, mental comfort & spiritual growth. No matter which religion one belongs to-(though in the Indian/Sanatan Dharma context, the word religion is quite a misnomer as it is more of a way of life than a discipline to be passed on to subsequent generations in entirety without allowing any questioning) , the benefits accrued from the practice of Yoga are beneficial & that too without any need for a change in the belief system. If a Muslim or a Christian can learn Karate or Kung Fu (which in their deeper forms are methods to attain Buddhahood) for physical conditioning & self defence & derive its full benefits without foresaking the core beliefs & teachings of Prophet Mohammed & Jesus respectively, then they can surely practice Yoga for physical & mental well-being & gain better insights into their own spiritual traditions as an added bonus. For those who have no belief in any God, for them also there is no harm in a bit of breathing exercises & physical postures to tone the muscles & to release some stress from the system & improve the body's flexibility as well as resistance to common as well as lifestyle diseases. We as human beings have been endowed with a tendency that we can immediately recognise what is to our benefit & act accordingly. This comes naturally to us & is a part of our survival instinct. We have to apply our brains naturally as is our wont & take benefit from Yoga as much as we can-without any doubts. Yoga makes us a better human being than we were before. It cannot have any other effect.

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